1. 引言

1.1. 什么是路径规划

路径规划 (Path Planning)

1.2. 常用方法

常见的路径规划算法有基于 几何分析 (Geometric Analysis), 回报 (Reward-based Algorithms) 的方法, 基于搜索的 网格搜索 (Grid-based Search), 间隔搜索 (Interval-based Search)方法, 基于 多目标优化 (Multi-Objective Optimization) 的方法, 基于 遗传算法 (genetic algorithm), 神经网络 (Neural Network) 等人工智能算法.

1.3. 有用的资源

1.3.2. software

  • OMPL : The Open Motion Planning Library

  • OpenRAVE : OpenRAVE provides an environment for testing, developing, and deploying motion planning algorithms in real-world robotics applications.

  • MSL : Motion Strategy Library. The Motion Strategy Library (MSL) allows easy development and testing of motion planning algorithms for a wide variety of applications.

  • MPK : A C++ library and toolkit for developing single- and multi-robot motion planners.

1.3.3. library