1.4. 图像质量评价¶
1.4.1. 误差类¶
\[{\rm MSE} = \frac{1}{MN}\sum_{i=1}^{M}\sum_{j=0}^{N}[|{\bm I}(i,j)|, |\hat{\bm I}(i, j)|]^2
1.4.2. 信噪比类¶
\[{\rm PSNR} = 10 \log10(\frac{V_{peak}^2}{\rm MSE})
1.4.3. 结构相似性度量¶
结构相似性指数 (Structure SIMilarity index, SSIM) 由周等人于2004年提出 [1], 设有数据 \(x\) 和参考数据 \(y\), \(\mu_x, \mu_y\) 分别为其均值, \(\sigma_x, \sigma_y\) 分别为标准差, \(\sigma^2_x, \sigma^2_y\) 为其方差, \(\sigma_{xy}\) 为数据 \(x\) 和参考数据 \(y\) 的协方差, 用 \(l, c, s\) 分别表示亮度(luminance), 对比度(contrast) 和结构 (structure) 相似性, 则
\[\begin{aligned} l(x, y) &=\frac{2 \mu_{x} \mu_{y}+c_{1}}{\mu_{x}^{2}+\mu_{y}^{2}+c_{1}} \\
c(x, y) &=\frac{2 \sigma_{x} \sigma_{y}+c_{2}}{\sigma_{x}^{2}+\sigma_{y}^{2}+c_{2}} \\
s(x, y) &=\frac{\sigma_{x y}+c_{3}}{\sigma_{x} \sigma_{y}+c_{3}} \end{aligned}
其中, \(c_1 = (k_1 L)^2, c_2 = (k_2 L)^2, c_3 = c_2 / 2\), \(L\) 是数据的动态范围 (dynamic range) ( 典型的 \(L = 2 ^{\# \text { bits per pixel }}-1\)). 结构则相似性指标可表示为
\[\operatorname{SSIM}(x, y)=\left[l(x, y)^{\alpha} \cdot c(x, y)^{\beta} \cdot s(x, y)^{\gamma}\right].
当 \(\alpha=\beta=\gamma=1\), SSIM 等价于
\[\operatorname{SSIM}(x, y)=\frac{\left(2 \mu_{x} \mu_{y}+c_{1}\right)\left(2 \sigma_{x y}+
基于梯度的结构相似性 (Gradient-based Structure SIMilarity index, GSSIM) 度量方法 [2], 对SSIM中的对比度和结构度量部分做了更改, 使用数据的梯度而不是数据来计算. 对于二维图像数据, 梯度的计算可以通过 sobel 算子滤波实现. sobel算子在水平和垂直方向上可表示为
\[G_v=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}{-1} & {-2} & {-1} \\ {0} & {0} & {0} \\ {+1} & {+2} & {+1}\end{array}\right]
\[G_h=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}{-1} & {0} & {+1} \\ {-2} & {0} & {+2} \\ {-1} & {0} & {+1}\end{array}\right]
1.4.4. 实验与分析¶
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 | def ssim(X, Y, win=None, winsize=11, L=None, k1=0.01, k2=0.03, alpha=1, beta=1, gamma=1, isavg=True, full=False):
r"""Structural similarity index
X : {ndarray}
Y : {ndarray}
win : {[type]}, optional
[description] (the default is None, which [default_description])
winsize : {number}, optional
[description] (the default is 11, which [default_description])
L : {integer}, optional
the dynamic range of the pixel-values (typically this is :math:`2 ^{\# \text { bits per pixel }}-1`. (the default is 255)
k1 : {number}, optional
[description] (the default is 0.01, which [default_description])
k2 : {number}, optional
[description] (the default is 0.03, which [default_description])
sizeavg : {bool}, optional
whether to average (the default is True, which average the result)
alpha : {number}, optional
luminance weight (the default is 1)
beta : {number}, optional
contrast weight (the default is 1)
gamma : {number}, optional
structure weight (the default is 1)
isavg : {bool}, optional
IF True, return the average SSIM index of the whole iamge,
full : {bool}, optional
IF True, return SSIM, luminance, contrast and structure index (the default is False, which only return SSIM)
if L is None:
_, L = get_drange(Y.dtype)
C1 = (k1 * L)**2
C2 = (k2 * L)**2
C3 = C2 / 2.
if win is None and type(winsize) is not int:
winsize = 11
if win is None and type(winsize) is int:
win = create_window(winsize, 1)
muX = convolve(X, win)
muY = convolve(X, win)
muXsq = muX * muX
muYsq = muY * muY
sigmaXsq = np.abs(convolve(X * X, win) - muXsq)
sigmaYsq = np.abs(convolve(Y * Y, win) - muYsq)
sigmaXY = convolve(X * Y, win) - muX * muY
sigmaX = np.sqrt(sigmaXsq)
sigmaY = np.sqrt(sigmaYsq)
luminance = (2. * muX * muY + C1) / (muX * muX + muY * muY + C1)
contrast = (2 * sigmaX * sigmaY + C2) / (sigmaXsq + sigmaYsq + C2)
structure = (sigmaXY + C3) / (sigmaX * sigmaY + C3)
ssim_map = (luminance**alpha) * (contrast**beta) * (structure**gamma)
if isavg:
ssim_map = np.mean(ssim_map)
luminance = np.mean(luminance)
contrast = np.mean(contrast)
structure = np.mean(structure)
if full:
return ssim_map, luminance, contrast, structure
return ssim_map