5.6. 线性压缩感知实践

5.6.1. 稀疏信号实验


  • 信号(时域): \({\bm x}_o = {\rm sin}(2 \pi f_1 t) + {\rm sin}(2 \pi f_2 t) + {\rm sin}(2 \pi f_3 t)\)

  • 信号(频域): \({\bm x} = {\rm abs}({\rm DFT}({\bm x}_o))\)

  • 观测矩阵: \({\bm A}\) 高斯矩阵和过完备DCT矩阵


过完备DCT字典的构造参见 过完备DCT字典 小节.

设置时域信号 \({\bm x}_o\) 中的三个频率分别为 \(f_1=100Hz, f_2=200Hz, f_3=700Hz\); 设置采样率 \(F_s = 2000Hz\), 采样时间 \(T_s = 1s\); 则时域信号长度为 \(N_s = F_sT_s = 2000\). 信号 \({\bm x}_o\) 经离散FFT变换后, 并取模后得到频域信号 \({\bm x}\), 将该信号作为欠采样的信号进行压缩采样.

Signal in Time and Frequency domains.

图 5.4 Signal in Time (left, \({\bm x}_o\) ) and Frequency (right, \({\bm x}\)) domains.

记压缩比为 \({\rm CR}\), 频域信号长度 \(N = N_s\), 则观测向量长度 \(M = N/CR\). 易知频域信号 \({\bm x}\) 的稀疏度为 \(k=6\) (包含负频), 实验中分别设置不同的稀疏度 \(k_1 = 2, k_2 = 4, k_3 = 6, k_4 = 100\) 进行信号重构.

实现代码, 参见文件 demo_omp_sin3.py .

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 4\) 时, Gaussian观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构均方误差结果如下:

---MSE(x, x1) with k = 2:  2020.810604016191
---MSE(x, x2) with k = 4:  1051.920200728807
---MSE(x, x3) with k = 6:  392.8334107460182
---MSE(x, x4) with k = 100:  49.64637577207484
Recovered signal in frequency domain with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.5 Recovered signal in frequency domain with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 16\) 时, Gaussian观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构均方误差结果如下:

---MSE(x, x1) with k = 2:  2049.017843656981
---MSE(x, x2) with k = 4:  1091.209561325295
---MSE(x, x3) with k = 6:  411.9556346140723
---MSE(x, x4) with k = 100:  316.7049674291499
Recovered signal in frequency domain with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.6 Recovered signal in frequency domain with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 4\) 时, DCT过完备观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构均方误差结果如下:

---MSE(x, x1) with k = 2:  2965.911207728454
---MSE(x, x2) with k = 4:  2055.5346968994822
---MSE(x, x3) with k = 6:  1082.970762562038
---MSE(x, x4) with k = 100:  1460.2482895078417
Recovered signal in frequency domain with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.7 Recovered signal in frequency domain with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 16\) 时, DCT过完备观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构均方误差结果如下:

---MSE(x, x1) with k = 2:  4805.715254609675
---MSE(x, x2) with k = 4:  4182.01590082246
---MSE(x, x3) with k = 6:  3227.931982399867
---MSE(x, x4) with k = 100:  3760.2420462992363
Recovered signal in frequency domain with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.8 Recovered signal in frequency domain with different sparse degree \(k\).



实验中使用稀疏图像信号作为实验对象, 并对图像的每一列采用OMP进行恢复.

  • 图像信号: \({\bm X}\) 为稀疏图像

  • 观测矩阵: \({\bm A}\) 为高斯矩阵和过完备DCT矩阵

Tomography image.

图 5.9 Tomography image


实现代码, 参见文件 demo_omp_sin3.py .


压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 4\) 时, Gaussian观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  15.580596793850813 1798.9565809738183 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  16.51005632425414 1452.36150189551 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  16.236071194072142 1546.9391881886033 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  15.509964880400881 1828.4533008529795 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  14.650356290567599 2228.6646872408483 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  13.870332301892105 2667.148094123919 255 uint8

[Finished in 1475.4s]
Recovered tomography image with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.10 Recovered tomography image with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 16\) 时, Gaussian观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  12.971158037789456 3280.6851824428386 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  12.936695435825893 3306.8219923587253 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  14.334155129944055 2396.9824147020495 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  14.869213943506328 2119.136669233503 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  14.284916845043584 2424.312922047151 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  13.839801158638902 2685.9643555265966 255 uint8

[Finished in 1470.3s]
Recovered tomography image with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.11 Recovered tomography image with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 4\) 时, 一维DCT过完备观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  14.440057558389176 2339.239048987087 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  14.407312672319945 2356.9430754649925 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  14.392225830410263 2365.1450361331595 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  14.438509731511893 2340.0729030920506 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  15.093057465950091 2012.6794588911266 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  14.015175521723268 2579.6620142755596 255 uint8

[Finished in 1378.4s]
Recovered tomography image with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.12 Recovered tomography image with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 16\) 时, 一维DCT过完备观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  12.971158037789456 3280.6851824428386 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  12.936695435825893 3306.8219923587253 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  14.334155129944055 2396.9824147020495 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  14.869213943506328 2119.136669233503 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  14.284916845043584 2424.312922047151 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  13.839801158638902 2685.9643555265966 255 uint8

[Finished in 1380.3s]
Recovered tomography image with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.13 Recovered tomography image with different sparse degree \(k\).

5.6.2. 非稀疏信号CS


Python 实现参见文件 demo_csTwoWayAnalysis.py

以cameraman图像为例, 两种非稀疏信号的压缩采样与恢复结果如下

压缩比设置为2, 采用OMP算法重构图像信号, 稀疏度设置为 \(k=32\) 时的结果为

压缩比设置为4, 采用OMP算法重构图像信号, 稀疏度设置为 \(k=32\) 时的结果为



  1. 变换: \({\bm z} = {\bm \Psi}_1{\bm x}\)

  2. 观测: \({\bm y} = {\bm \Phi}{\bm z}\),

  3. 求解: \({\rm min}_{\bm z} \|{\bm z}\|_p \ \ s.t. \ {\bm y} = {\bm \Phi}{\bm z}\)

  4. 重构: \({\bm x} = {\bm \Psi}_2{\bm z}\)


  1. 观测: \({\bm y} = {\bm \Phi}{\bm x}\)

  2. 求解: \({\rm min}_{\bm z} \|{\bm z}\|_p \ \ s.t. \ {\bm y} = {\bm \Phi}{\bm \Psi}_1{\bm z}\)

  3. 重构: \({\bm x} = {\bm \Psi}_2{\bm z}\)

\(\bm D\) 为正交DCT变换矩阵 (\({\bm D}^{-1} = {\bm D}^T\)), 使用不同的 \({\bm \Psi}_1\), \({\bm \Psi}_2\) 组合, 衡量两种CS方法重构图像与原图间的均方误差, 结果为

\({\bm \Psi}_1\)

\({\bm \Psi}_2\)



\({\bm D}\)

\({\bm D}\)



\({\bm D}^T\)

\({\bm D}\)



\({\bm D}\)

\({\bm D}^T\)



\({\bm D}^T\)

\({\bm D}^T\)






  • 图像信号: \(H\times W = 256\times 256\)

  • 表示字典: 无

  • 观测矩阵: Gaussian观测矩阵, 一维DCT过完备观测矩阵, 尺寸 \(M\times N\) , \(N = 256\)

  • 压缩比率: \({\rm CR} = N/M\)

Lena image.

图 5.14 Lena image

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 4\) 时, Gaussian观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  5.22232377711354 19536.554946899414 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  5.251123223918265 19407.430450439453 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  5.356613492689134 18941.702514648438 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  5.456996728640617 18508.903366088867 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  6.588493687182973 14263.660461425781 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  6.0725505137777835 16062.950073242188 255 uint8

[Finished in 431.7s]
Recovered lena image with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.15 Recovered lena image with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 16\) 时, Gaussian观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  5.210776416835353 19588.569381713867 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  5.229416619643459 19504.67413330078 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  5.409661839488037 18711.740112304688 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  5.444672361916549 18561.502349853516 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  5.33433084335866 19039.137771606445 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  5.271223842201596 19317.813842773438 255 uint8

[Finished in 374.4s]
Recovered lena image with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.16 Recovered lena image with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 4\) 时, 一维DCT过完备观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  5.343276737179728 18999.960021972656 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  5.4361581642123955 18597.92724609375 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  5.456286226270971 18511.93165588379 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  5.477199979749907 18423.000457763672 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  6.330385584444022 15137.069412231445 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  10.306663047919827 6059.182815551758 255 uint8

[Finished in 426.0s]
Recovered lena image with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.17 Recovered lena image with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 16\) 时, 一维DCT过完备观测矩阵, 设置不同稀疏度下的信号重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  5.241856072986026 19448.88702392578 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  5.225959176230842 19520.208099365234 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  5.354500199748536 18950.92185974121 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  5.515306696304636 18262.056884765625 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  6.040420221353212 16182.22885131836 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  9.144875858455052 7917.585739135742 255 uint8

[Finished in 383.2s]
Recovered lena image with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.18 Recovered lena image with different sparse degree \(k\).


  • 图像信号: \(H\times W = 256\times 256\)

  • 表示字典: DCT, 尺寸 \(256\times 256\)

  • 观测矩阵: Gaussian, 尺寸 \(M\times N\) , \(N = 256\)

  • 压缩比率: \({\rm CR} = N/M\)

Orignal image signal, dictionary matrix, observation matrix, sparse coefficient matrix.

图 5.19 Orignal image signal, dictionary matrix, observation matrix, sparse coefficient matrix.

实现代码, 参见文件 demo_cs1h_omp_img.py .

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 2\) 时, Lena 图像重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  19.35324312034611 754.6681976318359 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  21.35199359181007 476.3004608154297 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  22.084221813206373 402.4001922607422 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  21.93230942365929 416.72486877441406 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  18.413869479192858 936.9003753662109 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  5.772999668544614 17209.98112487793 255 uint8
[Finished in 754.8s]
Recovery results (:math:`{\rm CR} = 2`) with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.20 Recovery results (\({\rm CR} = 2\)) with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 4\) 时, Lena 图像重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  17.30050349526095 1210.6817932128906 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  17.13251590038045 1258.4291534423828 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  16.41341724769021 1485.0416564941406 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  15.891063092434477 1674.8428039550781 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  6.054397672821921 16130.231246948242 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  5.569662696862794 18034.914642333984 255 uint8
[Finished in 352.2s]
Recovery results (:math:`{\rm CR} = 4`) with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.21 Recovery results (\({\rm CR} = 4\)) with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 8\) 时, Lena 图像重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  12.711132296542491 3483.1095275878906 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  12.24455126500644 3878.1556396484375 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  12.08576911176013 4022.5685119628906 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  6.243422364533981 15443.229461669922 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  5.658814132793683 17668.470169067383 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  5.437810904144429 18590.851013183594 255 uint8
[Finished in 380.7s]
Recovery results (:math:`{\rm CR} = 8`) with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.22 Recovery results (\({\rm CR} = 8\)) with different sparse degree \(k\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 16\) 时, Lena 图像重构结果:

---PSNR1, MSE1, Vpeak1, dtype:  12.530425704027621 3631.0964965820312 255 uint8
---PSNR2, MSE2, Vpeak2, dtype:  12.46201822823682 3688.744186401367 255 uint8
---PSNR3, MSE3, Vpeak3, dtype:  6.453316341931616 14714.609008789062 255 uint8
---PSNR4, MSE4, Vpeak4, dtype:  5.758194148603205 17268.751739501953 255 uint8
---PSNR5, MSE5, Vpeak5, dtype:  5.461627943974914 18489.17642211914 255 uint8
---PSNR6, MSE6, Vpeak6, dtype:  5.355063389623071 18948.464477539062 255 uint8
[Finished in 396.7s]
Recovery results (:math:`{\rm CR} = 16`) with different sparse degree :math:`k`.

图 5.23 Recovery results (\({\rm CR} = 16\)) with different sparse degree \(k\).


实验完成对二维图像的高度维和宽度维压缩采样与恢复, 实验中将原始图像拉成列向量, 应用压缩感知理论进行采样模拟与恢复.


实验完成对二维图像的高度维和宽度维压缩采样与恢复, 实验中, 应用压缩感知理论, 对图像信号分别进行高度维和宽度维的两次压缩采样与恢复.

5.6.3. 复压缩感知实验


对核磁共振图像(MRI)原始 k-space 数据进行行方向上的压缩采样与恢复, 采用OMP算法恢复信号.


实现代码, 参见文件 demo_cs1d_omp_mri.py .


压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 4\), 无稀疏表示字典时, MRI 图像重构结果:

Recovery results (:math:`{\rm CR} = 4`) with sparse degree :math:`k=100`.

图 5.24 Recovery results (\({\rm CR} = 4\)) with sparse degree \(k=100\).

压缩比 \({\rm CR} = 4\), DCT稀疏表示字典时, MRI 图像重构结果:

Recovery results (:math:`{\rm CR} = 4`) with sparse degree :math:`k=100`.

图 5.25 Recovery results (\({\rm CR} = 4\)) with sparse degree \(k=100\).